TCP 3 Way Handshake is a process used in a TCP/IP network to establish a connection between a client and a server before transmitting data. It is a three-step process that involves the exchange of messages between the client and the server.
TCP 3 Way Handshake Process :

The process begins when the client sends a message to the server, called a SYN (Synchronize) message, to request a connection. The SYN message includes information about the client, such as its IP address and port number.
The server receives the SYN message and responds with a SYN-ACK (Synchronize-Acknowledge) message. This message acknowledges the receipt of the SYN message and includes its own information, such as its IP address and port number.
Finally, the client sends an ACK (Acknowledge) message to the server to confirm the receipt of the SYN-ACK message. At this point, the connection between the client and the server has been established and data transmission can begin.
The TCP Three Way Handshake is an important part of the TCP/IP protocol because it ensures that both the client and the server are ready to communicate and that they have agreed on the parameters of the connection. It also helps prevent communication errors by verifying that the client and the server are both able to receive and transmit messages.
Overall, the TCP 3 Way Handshake is a simple but effective way for computers to establish a connection and communicate over a network. It plays a crucial role in the operation of the Internet and is an essential part of how we communicate and transmit data online.
For more information about this process click here.
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